Privacy Office

North York General Hospital uses “Privacy by Design” principles to build strong privacy, confidentiality and security protections into our programs, services and technology initiatives. This includes mandatory annual privacy & security training and confidentiality agreements.

Our privacy and data protection practices are guided by professional codes of practice and by-laws that apply to personal health information. We recognize that information about you belongs to you and that we are simply its custodians. As custodians, our obligations include putting in place policies and practices to ensure the confidentiality and security of your information. It means that privacy and data protection is an absolute requirement when we design and deliver programs, services and technology initiatives.

Learn more about how we respect your rights under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 by reading our Privacy Principles and Practices below. The full text of our Privacy and Data Protection Policy provides more detailed information.

Chief Privacy Officer

If you have a question, comment or concern about our practices, please contact the Chief Privacy Officer at

Chief Privacy Officer
Release of Information
North York General Hospital
4001 Leslie Street
Toronto Ontario M2K 1E1

Chief Privacy Officer
Privacy compliance at North York General Hospital is facilitated by our Chief Privacy Officer (CPO). The CPO develops privacy and data protection policies and provides training and direction in the practical application of privacy law to collection, use, disclosure and protection of personal and personal health information. 

Privacy Principles and Policies

Learn more about how we respect your rights under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 by reading our Privacy Principles and Policies. The full text of our Privacy and Data Protection Policy provides more detailed information.