Internal Funding

In December 2012, North York General Hospital launched the Exploration Fund, a competitive granting competition designed to provide initial funding for staff and physicians to develop new ideas for the delivery of care. Among the first of its kind in Canada, the Exploration Fund was seeded with a donation by Brad and Kathy Badeau, and their contribution has been augmented by the hospital, the North York General Foundation and the Sellors Family.

The Sellors Family Research Grant is a designated time-limited fund within the Exploration Fund, to support research in the areas of autoimmune disease, neurology, and quality of life. 

Awards have been made to a wide range of promising investigators, from a surgeon studying the effects of music on children undergoing elective surgery, to a geriatric emergency nurse trying multisensory interventions to help calm patients with dementia. Already, Exploration Fund recipients have leveraged the support to submit proposals for external funding, make presentations at conferences, and publish findings in peer-reviewed journals.

There are normally two competitions per year – fall and spring. For more information about the Exploration Fund, please contact the Research and Innovation.

Awards from the Exploration Fund 

The Spring 2024 Exploration Fund Recipients:

Small grant category
Ms. Greta Mah
A randomized controlled trial to improve freezing of gait and mobility in elderly patients with Parkinson’s disease in the community.

Small grant category
Dr. Modupe Tunde-Byass
The role of ultrasound in molar pregnancy diagnosis: a pioneer retrospective study at a Canadian early pregnancy centre.