

Led by the Vice President, Clinical Services and Chief Nursing Executive, nurses at North York General Hospital are supported by a strong nursing leadership team consisting of clinical team managers, program directors, clinical nurse educators, nursing coordinators, nurse clinicians and advanced practice nurses and nurse practitioners.

North York General has:

  • Acute care, transitional care, a long-term care home and ambulatory care services across multiple sites
  • Nearly 400,000 ambulatory visits annually
  • A large critical care unit
  • An emergency department with more than 107,000 visits annually
  • Over 1,000 nursing staff
  • More than 1,100 nursing students completing their clinical placements annually 

Nursing vision

To lead the pursuit of excellence in nursing practice in learning, innovation and partnerships

Academic Community Hospital Leaders in Nursing – Translating Knowledge into Practical Protocols in Patient – and Family-Centred Care

Nursing mission

We transform nursing practice through knowledge to provide patient- and family-centred care. We provide competent, compassionate, collaborative care to patients and their families through a commitment in patient care, education and research. 

Nursing’s strategic priorities/goals

  • Increase the number of nurses holding adjunct faculty status
  • Develop innovative nursing recruitment and retention strategies
  • Offer leadership development, learning opportunities and professional development for nursing and interprofessional education and care
  • Create a dynamic, high quality practice environment
  • Foster high staff and patient satisfaction
  • Create a spirit of inquiry and partnering effectively across the patient continuum and with our union stakeholders