Family Obstetrics Providers

At North York General Hospital, our approach to childbirth involves using only necessary interventions to achieve a healthy and natural pregnancy and birth. We guide our patients through the natural process of birth, while providing the skills and expertise to deal with emergencies that can arise.

Our physicians are part of an interdisciplinary team that includes nurses, anaesthesiologists, obstetricians, social workers and lactation consultants. We also work with your primary care provider/family doctor to ensure that comprehensive care for you and your baby is provided before, during and after your pregnancy.

Need prenatal classes?

Take a look at the prenatal classes and education offered by North York General Hospital.

Visit Ontario Prenatal Education (external website) to learn about classes close to your home.

Note: For contact information on any of our physicians, see the Family Medicine Obstetrics List.


Referrals are welcome. To book an appointment with one of our Family Practice Obstetrics providers, have your family doctor fax our referral form to Family Medicine Obstetrics at 416-756-6822.

Meet some of our physicians