Seamless Care Optimizing the Patient Experience

What is SCOPE?

SCOPE (Seamless Care Optimizing Patient Experience) is a North York General Hospital (NYGH) and North York Toronto Health Partners (NYTHP) initiative that supports and empowers a collaborative network between primary care providers (PCPs), hospital, and community services through a single point of access to an inter-professional care team. Registered SCOPE providers will connect with a dedicated telephone service to access support from internists, diagnostic imaging, NYGH resources and community services. As part of North York General’s digital health offerings that will give health care providers and the community better access to more seamless care options, SCOPE is a well-established program offered at hospitals across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), including University Health Network (UHN), Women’s College, Unity Health, and others and has been adopted by more than 1,000 primary care physicians in the GTA. Visit to learn more about the SCOPE program at other hospitals.

Learn more about the initiative by watching the SCOPE video:

Our Vision

The vision is to provide all primary care providers practicing within the North York area equitable access to interdisciplinary supports.


  1. Gain direct and centralized access to a range of services and providers through a dedicated phone line.
  2. Opportunity to collaborate with the SCOPE team to identify and improve gaps in patient care.
  3. Help reduce Emergency Department visits and re-admissions.

Core Services Include:

Register now to become a SCOPE provider:

SCOPE can be accessed by: phone, fax, or eReferral (Ocean).

  • SCOPE Phone: 416-756-6700
  • SCOPE Fax: 416-756-6513
Please note this phone number may only be accessed by registered users who are primary care providers.

If you have any questions about SCOPE, please email